
New project: UUID Factory

Introducing my new project: UUID Factory.

Published on 25 Apr 2024

I would like to formally introduce my new project: UUID Factory. It’s a simple web app that generates UUIDs. While working on various projects, I found myself needing a UUID generator. I would normally just open a browser and find the first UUID generator that pops up on Google. But I thought, why not build my own and make it fast and simple to use?

Tech stack

For those tech-savvy out there, here’s the tech stack I used to build this project:

  • Frontend: AstroJS, SvelteKit, and TailwindCSS
  • Hosting: Cloudflare Pages

Yup, that’s it! I wanted to keep things simple and fast. I realized that on other sites they rely on a web server, which allows it to generate the UUIDs. But I wanted to make it as fast as possible, so I decided to generate the UUIDs on the client-side with JavaScript. This will allow for caching of the website contents and make it super fast to load. Especially when you just need a UUID quickly and might be running on the coffee shop’s Wi-Fi ☕️.

Features and future plans

At the moment, I just made a proof of concept (for my personal interest), but I have some features in mind that I would like to add in the future:

  • Support for different UUID versions
  • Better explanation of what a UUID is and how it’s generated
  • Generate multiple UUIDs at once
  • Dark mode
  • i18n support
  • And more!


This project has taken me almost half a day to build and ship, and I’m quite happy with the result. It was a fun little project to work on, and I learned a lot about web development in the process.

I hope you will find this tool useful. If you have any feedback or feature requests, feel free to reach out to me on [email protected]

Thank you for reading! Fly away Astronauts 🚀